

FENG Shujie


FENG Shujie

Associate Professor


Ph.D., Univeristy Paris I–Panthéon Sorbonne, Paris, France, 2007

Master in law, Univeristy Paris I–Panthéon Sorbonne, Paris, France, 2002

Master in Law, Remin Univeristy of China, Beijing, China, 2002

Barchelor in Law, Shandong University, Jin’an, China, 1999



2013.12-NOW, Tsinghua University, Associate Professor

2007.12-2013.11, Tsinghua Univeristy, Beijing, Lecturer

2007.6-2007.12, French intellectual property firm Paris, Trademark jurist

2005.10-2006.6, French Law firm, Paris, Internship

2001.4-2001.6, European Commision, DG for Trade Brussels, Internship

2000, Passed Chinese Bar examination

2010, Council member of Chinese Society for Research on Intellectual Property Law

2012.9, Visiting scholar in Milan University

2011.2, Visiting scholar in University Paris I– Panthéon Sorbonne

2009, Invited to give lecture in Ecole centrale de Paris

2006, Member of European society of international law


Intellectual property law, WTO law


I. Articles in Chinese

1. How Unregistered Trademark shall be protected in China? Law science, 2013, No.7.

2. How the right on registered trademarks is created? Intellectual property,2013. No.5

3. On the conditions to establish Patent attorney’s firm in China,China Patent and Trademark,2013,No.5.

4. The scope of protection and determination of copyright infringement for complied works – comment on cases relating to learning materials accompanying textbooks, Intellectual property, 2012,No.7.

5. On the determination of disclosure by use in Chinese patent law. Intellectual property, 2012, No. 2.

6. Determination of online disclosure of invention though online evidence- comment to a patent invalidation case, Intellectual Property, no. 5, 2011.

7. A conceptual review of performance and expression in copyright law, Tsinghua Law Review, no. 1, 2011.

8. The patent invalidation procedure in French law, Electronics Intellectual Property, no. 230, 2010.

9. Special regimes in the patent delivery procedure in France, Electronics Intellectual Property, no. 227, 2010.

10. The patentability of business methods implemented by computor- an analysis from the technical nature of invention, Science, Technolgy & Law, no. 1, 2010.

11. Determination of counterfeiting and jurisdictional competent in trademark infringement via internet –French jurisprudence and its inspiration to Chinese law, Law Science, no.12, 2008.

12. Comment on the geographical indication regime of EU following the WTO dispute settlement rulings, Forum of international and comparative law, no.2-3, 2008.

13. A French- Chinese comparative study of the protection of intellectual property rights by criminal law inview of TRIPs Agreement, European review of economics and law, no.7-8, 2007.

14. The limits of WTO dispute settlement system in the TRIPs implentation area regarding developping countries, Global law review, no.3, 2006.

15. Belgian pirating perfums seized in France, Chinese intellectual property journal, 2006.

16. Intellectual property and conflict of law, Law Science Journal, no. 1, 2005.

17. The combination of lex loci protectionis and decepage as rule for applicable law in transnational intellectual property cases, Law Science, no. 3,2005.

II.Articles in French

1. Les conditions de protection des marques tridimensionnelles en Chine, Propriétés Intellectuelles, 2013, No . 49.

2. La nouveauté comme condition de brevetabilité en droit chinois, Propriété industrielle, 2013, No.7.

3. La protection des inventions biotechnologiques en droit chinois au regard de l’Accord ADPIC et le droit communautaire, Propriété industrielle,2007,No.6

4. La protection des inventions biotechnologiques par le droit de propriété intellectuelle–Etude comparée entre les droits communautaire, fran?ais et chinois, Journal international de bioéthique, n°1, 2007.

5. La brevetabilité des programmes d’ordinateur--études comparatives des droits chinois, européen et fran?ais des brevets, Revue europen du droit et de l’économie, n°1, 2006.

6. La mise en ?uvre des décisions de l’ORD en matière de propriété intellectuelle dans les pays en développement, ESIL Forum 2005.

III. Article in English

1. Why the Deficiency in Fighting Trademark Piracy in China, European Intellectual Property Review, 2014.2, No.2.

2. How Are Unregistered Trademarks Protected in China?, International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law (IIC) (SSCI), 2013, No.7

IV. Books (co-author)

1. Law for E-commerce, Electronics industry press, 2010. In charge of the chaper on Intelletual property issues related to internet.

2. International trade law, Remin university of China Press, 2009. In charge of the chapter on the comparason of intellectual property enforcement procedures and measure of EU and China with a view to TRIPs Agreement.

3. Private international law- text and materials, Renmin university of China Press, 2009. In charge of the chapter on the conflict of law in international intellectual property cases.