

Gao Simin


Gao Simin

Associate Professor

Vice Dean of Law School


L.L.B, China University of Political Science and Law, 2005

L.L.M, Peking University, 2007

Master of Sci. (Justice Studies), Arizona State University, 2009

L.L.M, S.J.D, University of Pennsylvania, 2010-2013


Business Law, Financial Law


Extraordinary Excellent Prize of 2012 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financing Student Abroad

Russell Ackoff Doctoral Student Fellowship


Gao, S, Transmuting Gold into Lead: The FDIC’s Clawback Rule on Executive Compensation in Orderly Liquidation,The American Bankruptcy Law Journal, Vol 86, issue 3, 473-494 (2012).

Gao, S, The Lost Justice: Regulatory Recoupment by the FDIC, International Corporate Rescue, Vol. 9, Issue 3, 175-182 (2012).

Gao, S, & Shi, G, Sweetening the Lemon with Fair Cost: Flaws of the U.S. Government’s Toxic Asset Programs and Possible Legal Solutions, The Banking Law Journal, Vol.129,Issue 4, 314-373 (2012).

Gao, S. Shen, Z, The Global Administration Law and Innovative Thoughts on the Global Financial Regulation, International Law Review of Wuhan University Vol. 15, Issue 1, 54-70 (2012) (in Chinese).

Shen, Z, Gao, S. The Political Logic of Restructuring Financial Regulation in the U.S.A.:

the Effect of Partisan, Election and Interest Groups upon the Financial Reform Act. International Economic Law Journal of Xiamen University, Vol.17. Issue 4 (2011) (in Chinese)