

WU Weiguang


WU Weiguang

Associate Professor


PhD of Intellectual Property Law, the Post Graduate School of China Academy of Social Science;

LLM of Comparative Law, Southern Methodist University School of Law, Dallas, TX, USA;

Diploma of European Union Law, EU-China Legal and Judicial Cooperation Program;

Master of Civil and Commercial Law, School of Law, Tsinghua University;

Bachelor of M.E., Engineering Mechanics Department, Tsinghua University.


Copyright law; Trademarks and Competition Law; Internet and New Media Law;


The Vice Director of Network Behavior Research Institute, Tsinghua University;

The Committee Member of China Intellectual Property Law Research Association;

The Committee Member of Beijing Information and Telecommunications Law Research Association;

The Expert of Tecent Internet Law Research Center;

The Member of Beijing Bar Association.

Academic Books

E-CommerceLaw,Tsinghua University Publication House, 2004

Copyright Law In The Digital Environment—Crisis and Solutions,Intellectual Property Publication House, 2008

Regulation of Internet New Media: Freedom and Restrictions, Intellectual Property Publication House, 2013 (Sponsored by Asian Research Center of Tsinghua University )

Copyright Law: International Conventions, China’s Legislations and Judicial Practice,Tsinghua University Publication House, 2013 (Sponsored by Beijing Social Science Publishing Fund for Theoretical Works)

Text Books

Internet and E-commerce Law,Tsinghua University Publication House, 2012, (Beijing High Education Classic Text Book)

Intellectual Property Law in Cyberspace, High Education Publishing House, 2011.

Academic Articles

Media Regulation of China in the Process of Institutional Transformation, http://www.iolaw.org.cn/showNews.aspx?id=38422, (the Excellent Article Award of Qian Duansheng China Forum of Rule of Law, 2014)

The Gap between Copyright Law and Internet New Media and How To Make Up?Modern Law Review, 2011, Volume 3, (The article is compiled into High Education University Social Science Academic Digest, and collected into Copyright Yearbook of 2012)

Legal Protection of Chinese Typeface: the Influence and Choice of International Conventions, Industry Policies and Public Interests,Tsinghua Law Review, 2011 volumne5, (The article is selected to offprint)

Legal Protection of Trade Dress,Tsinghua Law Review, Volume 6, 2009

Collecting Copyright Royalty From Kara OK: Pay-By-Boxes or Pay-By-Requests?--The Conflict and Option Between Levy System and DRM,Journal of the Copyright of China, 2008, volume 5.

The Liability of the Online Video Servicer to the Users’ Copyright Infringement, Intellectual Property, 2008, Volume 4

The Governance of Junk Short Massages, Journal of Law Application, 2008, volume 12

The Legal Issue of Parallel Import of Trademarks, published in Global Law Review, volume3, 2006;

Regulating the Right of Information Communication in China, International Journal of Intellectual Property Management, Vol2. No.1, 2008. ISSN (Print): 1478–9647, Inderscience Publisher.

The Challenge of Peer to Peer to the Copyright System and Countermeasures; published in Network Security, volume 1, 2006, edited by Ministry of Public Security;

The Analysis of the Trademarks Parallel Imports In the United States, published on Electronic Intellectual Property, 2005, Volume 11, Ministry of Information Industry.

The Protection of Folklore in China, published on Tsinghua Law Review, 2005, volume 7.

The Main Principles in E-commerce Law Legislation in China,collected by Tsinghua Law Review, volume 2, 2003.

The First Use Doctrine of Copyright in the Digital Environment, collected by Symposium: The Protection of the Intellectual Property in the NewHi-technologies, published by the Legal Publication of China, 2002.

The Technical Protection and Limitation to the copyright, collected by Symposium: The Protection of the Intellectual Property in the NewHi-technologies, published by the Legal Publication of China, 2002.

What Are the Responses of E. C. to the Challenges of Digital Age on the Copyright, written in English and Chinese Language, collected by Symposium: Rising Stars Over Europe---Selected Dissertations From EU-China Legal and Judicial Co-operation Programme, Law Press, 2003.

The Separation of Internet Content Regulation in the face of the Convergence of Information and Communication Technologies, Presented in the International Symposium of Innovation, Competition and Regulation hosted by Taiwan Tsinghua

"Speeding Up The Technology Transfer From The Universities to The Market",Presented in the Sino-Korea Symposium of Intellectual Property

The National IP Strategy In the International Framework, the Symposium On IP Strategy hosted by The IP Law Association of China, 2008

The Patentability of Business Method,Submitted in the 3rd International Hi-Tech IP Protection Symposium, hosted by TsinghuaLawSchool, 2005, 11.

Patent Protection Systems Should Be Utilized By the Enterprises in ZhongGuanchun Areas in the International Competition Stage, published in the newspaper Science Times, A 8, March 26th, 2003.