

SU Yigong


SU Yigong


Post Graduate

Peking University, Beijing, 1997-2000, Graduation: July, 2000, Major: LAW, Degree: Ph.D. in Law

Peking University, Beijing, 1984-1987, Graduation: July, 1987, Major: LAW, Degree: Master in Law


Pebei Teachers’ College, Shijiazhuan, 1980-1984, Graduation: July, 1984, Major: History, Degree: B.A. in History


1.Oct., 2010 up to now, Professor of Law, Tsinghua University School of Law

2.Sep., 2000 up to Sep.2010, Research Fellow / Professor of Institute of Law, CASS, legal research & teaching

3.May 2005-Nov., 2006, Director of the Section of Comparative Law, Institute of Law, CASS

4.Sep., 2004-April 2005, Deputy director of Section of Legal History

5.February 2003- Nov., 2006, Associate-general Editor of Global Law Review

6.Sep., 1995-Aug.,2000, Associate Research Fellow/Associate Prof., Institute of Law, CASS,

7.Since Oct. 1996, Secretary-general of the Research Center of Laws on Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)

8.1996-98, Deputy Secretary-general of the Institute of Chinese Legal History

9.Sep.,1989-Aug., 1995, Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Law, CASS ,Section of Legal History

10.Aug., 1987-Aug., 1989, Practicing Research Fellow, Institute of Law, CASS

Visiting Studies

1.July 1-Dec. 31, 2008, guest researcher, Institute of Federalism University of Fribourg, Switzerland

2.Feb. 7-March 7, 2006, Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong, under the scholarship of Leslie Wright, study on Hong Kong legal History

3.July 1-15, 2003, visiting professor, Australian National University College of Law, Canberra, under the exchange scholarship between Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

4.Sept.1, 2001-August 30, 2002, visiting professor, Seoul National University College of Law, Korea, under the scholarship of Korean Foundation for Advanced Studies

5.Aug., 1993-Oct., 1995, Washington University School of Law in St. Louis, U.S.A., under the scholarship of CLEEC (the Committee for Legal Education Exchange with China)

6.Feb. 12-March 4, 2001, visiting scholar, University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law, Hong Kong,under the scholarship of Leslie Wright Foundation

7.Nov.-Dec., 1999, University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law, under the scholarship of Leslie Wright

8.Dec., 1998-Jan., 1999, University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law, under the scholarship of Leslie Wright

9.Sep.,-Dec., 1997, University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law, under the scholarship of the Legal Education Trust Fund, Hong Kong


1.SU Yigong, Chinese Law Applied by Westerners: Traditional Chinese Law and Custom in Hong Kong, 2nd edition, Beijing, Social Sciences Literature Press, Beijing, 2007.

2.SU Yigong, Chinese Law Applied by Westerners: Traditional Chinese Law and Custom in Hong Kong, Beijing, Social Sciences Literature Press, Beijing, 2002.

3.SU Yigong, The Codes and Sub-statutes in Ming and Qing Dynasties, Beijing, China University of Political Science and Law Press, 2000.

4.Han Yanlong and SU Yigong, A History of The Police System in Modern China (Late 19th Century through1949), Beijing, Social Science Literature Press, 2000.

5.SU Yigong trans., Legal Modernism, written by David Luban, Beijing, China University of Political Science and Law Press, 2004.

Articles in languages other than Chinese

1.Su Yigong, “Historiens à la barre. Comment les spécialists du droit des Qing participant à la création du droit coutumier de Hong Kong”, (Jér?me Bourgon trans.), éTUDES CHINOISES, Vol. XXVIII, Collège de France, mars 2010, pp. 95-118.

2.SU, Yigong, “ ‘A True King Does Not Depend on a Large Kingdom’: Understanding Swiss Federalism in the Perspective of Confucianism”, A research report published by the Institute of Federalism (University of Fribourg), Switzerland, 2009.

3.SU Yigong. “Form at the Expense of True Significance: From the ‘Tang Lü Complex’ to the ‘Civil Code Complex’”, Beijing, Social Sciences in China (English Edition), Vol.XXVI,No.2, Summer 2005.

4.SU Yigong, “The Discovery of Hong Kong Chinese Testaments and Their Features”, Beijing, Social Sciences in China (English Edition), Spring 2003, Vol.XXIV, No. 1, pp.3-14.

5.SU Yigong, “The Application of Chinese Law and Custom in Hong Kong”(in English), Hong Kong Law Journal, Vol. 29, Part 2, Hong Kong,1999, pp. 267-293.

6.SU Yigong, “Traditional Chinese Legal Culture and the Misunderstanding of Confucianism”(both in Korean and Chinese language), Hanyang Law Review, Vol. 19 (December 2002), The Institute for Legal Studies, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea, pp. 179-208.

7.SU Yigong, “Chinese Law in the Dynasties of Ming and Qing”(in Korean), Korean Journal of Legal History, No. 26, Seoul, Korea, 2002, pp 203-228.

Articles in Chinese Language

1.SU Yigong, “A True King Does Not Depend on a Large Kingdom: Understanding Swiss Federalism in the Perspective of Confucianism”, Beijing, Journal of Comparative Law, No. 3, 2010, pp.118-132.

2.SU Yigong, “The Origin of “Guang Gun Li” and Its Legislative Flaws”, Journal for Legal History Studies, Vol.16, Taipei, 2009, pp. 195-244.

3.SU Yigong, “Contextual Analysis of the ‘Few People’ as a Legal Term”, Shanghai, Legal Science Monthly, No. 4, 2009, pp132-138.

4.SU Yigong, “On Objectivism and Subjectivism: A Ramble on Context Differences between Law and Morality”, Haerbin, Northern Legal Science, No. 3, 2009, pp122-133.

5.SU Yigong, “Nomocracy and Harmony: Cultural Origin and Prospect”, Journal of the East China University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai, No. 2, 2009, pp. 3-17.

6.SU Yigong, “Is the Tang Code ‘the Most Equitable Statute from Ancient times to the Present?’”, Beijing, Tribune of Political Science and Law, No. 5, 2008, pp.116-135.

7.SU Yigong, “The Impact of Strickland Report upon Chinese Customary Right in Hong Kong”, Tsinghua Law Journal, No. 4 of 2008.

8.SU Yigong, “A Delayed Commemoration of Professor William C. Jones and His Contributions to Chinese Legal Studies’, 1 Chinese Journal of Legal History, Beijing, Social Sciences Literature Press, 2007, pp.471-484.

9.SU Yigong, “Debate over the ‘exterritorialy’ and the Early Legal Culture Conflicts between China and the West”, Diverse Legal Culture in the Age of Globalization, edited by Xin Chunying, Beijing, Social Sciences Literature Press, 2007, pp.84-91.

10.SU Yigong, “‘Magnanimity’ and the Rule of Law”,Southern Weekly,April 19th, 2007.

11.SU Yigong, “King Above the Law-----On Situational Differentiations of Legal and Moral Languages as Seen from the Remolding of the Character of Emperor Tai Zong in Tang Dynasty in Popular Domestic TV Series ‘Major Political Events During Zhen Guan Period Ruled by Emperor Tai Zong’”, Southern Weekly, Oct. 25, 2007.

12.Su Yi-gong, “The Motivation for Justice and Public Welfare: The Influence of Confucianism upon Local Government Officials’ Exercise of Public Function in Ching Dynasty Based on Wei Neng Xin Lu”, Journal for Legal History Studies, Vol.10, Taipei, Dec., 2006, pp. 83-116.

13.Su Yi-gong, “Dialectic ‘Yi Zhun Hu Li’ of the Codes of Tang”, Tribune of Political Science and Law (Journal of China University of Political Science and Law), No.3, Vol.24 (General No. 129), May, 2006. pp116-142.

14.SU Yigong. “Form at the Expense of True Significance: From the ‘Tang Lü Complex’ to the ‘Civil Code Complex’”, Beijing, Social Sciences in China, No. 1, 2005, pp. 123-134.

15.SU Yigong, “The Enactment of Korean Civil Code and its Amendments”, Private Law Review, vol. 6 (2004, Beijing), pp96-124.

16.SU Yigong, “Another Perspective: Study of Chinese Legal Cultural Tradition by British and US Scholars in Modern History”, Beijing, Global Law Review, Vol. 25, Spring 2003, pp76-83.

17.SU Yigong, “The Discovery of Hong Kong Chinese Testaments and Their Features”, Beijing, Social Sciences in China(Chinese version), No. 4, 2002, pp.100-113.

18.SU Yigong, “The Origin of Sino-western Legal Cultural Conflict and Its Impact on Opium War”, Papers on Chinese Law Modernization, ed. by Zhang Sheng, Beijing, China University of Political Science and Law Press, 2002, pp50-120.

19.SU Yigong, “The Transformation of Chinese Marriage law in Hong Kong”, Beijing, No. 3, 2002, pp.3-15.

20.SU Yigong, “A Comparative Study on the Korean Road to Modernization of Civil Law”, Beijing,Contemporary Korea, Winter, 2002 (Vol. 36), pp13.-19.

21.SU Yigong, “Great Ideal and Its Relations to King’s Law”, Xian, No. 1 Renwen Zazhi, 2002.

22.SU Yigong, “Dong Biwu’s Imagination of Democracy and the Rule of law and his failure around the foundation of PRC”, Zhu Mingshan & Sun Wanzhong ed., Essays of Studiese on Dong Biwu’s Jurisprudence,The People’s Supreme Court Press, Beijing, 2001, pp277-306.

23.SU Yigong, “Customary Chinese Real Estate in New Territories of Hong Kong”, Legal History Review, Vol. 3, Beijing, Law Press, 2001, pp227-261.

24.SU Yigong, “The Dual Legal System of Hong Kong under British Rule”, Hong Kong, Twent-First Century Bimonthly, No. 60 (August 2000), pp69-80.

25.SU Yigong, “A Textual Analysis of the Version of Shunzhi Lü ”, Beijing, Studies in Sinology, Volume VII (July 2000), ed. by Center for the Study of Traditional Chinese Culture of Peking University, pp. 547-580.

26.SU Yigong, “Elliot’s Proclamations and its Relations to the Dual Legal System in One Island”, A Comparative Study on the Laws between Mainland China and Hong Kong, ed. by Legal Education Trust Fund of Hong Kong, Peking University Press, 2000, pp37-74.

27.SU Yigong, “Case Studies of the Application of Traditional Chinese Law and Custom in Hong Kong”, Beijing, Social Sciences in China, No. 3, 1999, pp154-168.

28.SU Yigong, “The Promulgation of Shunzhi Lü and its Early Application”, Legal History Review, Vol. 2, Beijing, Law Press, 1999, pp592-605.

29.SU Yigong, “The Principle of Good Faith and the Background of Chinese Ethics”, Xian, Science of Law, No. 2, 1998, pp. 46-51.

30.SU Yigong, “A Review on the Relationship between the Legal Reform in the End of Qing Dynasty and Shen Jiaben ”, Legal History Review, Vol. 1, Beijing, Law Press, 1998, pp191-225.

31.SU Yigong, “The Discovery of Chinese Common Law: The Formation of the Loan Contract in Qing Dynasty, CASS Journal of Law, Vol. 19, No. 4, 1997, pp130-146.

32.SU Yigong, “Legal Education and Market Economy: A Personal Perception on Legal Education in The United States”, Changchun, Law and Social Development, No. 5, 1997, pp58-64.

33.SU Yigong, “Some Problems on the Approaches of Legal History Studies”, Beijing, Journal of North China University of Technology, No.4, 1997, pp72-78.

34.SU Yigong, “Current American Bankruptcy Law and Adjustment of Individual Debts”, CASS Journal of Foreign Law, No.2 ,1996 .

35.SU Yigong, Chinese Legal Studies in U.S. Today, Peking University Law Journal, No.5,1996, pp69-73.

36.SU Yigong, “A Brief Commentary on The Effectiveness of Legal Transplantation During Late Qing Dynasty”, The Road Toward Law Government , ed. by Liu Duce, Chinese Democracy and Legality Press, Peking,1996, pp324-336.

37.SU Yigong, “The Theory of ‘Ren’ ”and its Jurisprudence, in The Current Evaluation On The Confucian Analects and Its Spirit of Jurisculture, ed. by Chen Pengshen, Shanghai, The Press of Shanghai Communication University, 1995, pp157-170.

38.SU Yigong, “Textual Research And Analysis on ‘Ba Yi’ in Qing Dynasty”, Studies in Law (now titled CASS Journal of Law), No.4, 1992, pp70-78.

39.SU Yigong, “A Textual Research On Mr. Sheng Jiaben’s Unpublished Works” , Essays for The International Colloquium On Chinese Legal History, ed. by Yang Yifan, Xian, Shaanxi People’s Press, 1990, 432-447.

40.Han Yanglong & SU Yigong, “A Study On Taiwan’s Legislative Institution”, Taiwan Studies, No.1, 1989, pp.

41.SU Yigong, “On The Legal Status and The Mutual Relationship Between Statutes and Substatutes of Qing Dynasty”, part I, Beijing, Law Of China (now titled Chinese Legal History), No5, 1988, pp. 102-109.

42.SU Yigong, “On The Legal Status and The Mutual Relationship Between Statutes and Substatutes of Qing Dynasty”, part II, Beijing, Law Of China (Chinese Legal History), No.6,1988, pp. 111-119.

43.SU Yigong, “The Conviction of Crown Prince Wei in Han Dynasty”, Journal of Liaoning University, No.1, 1988, pp.

44.SU Yigong, “The Textual Research on The Publishing Date Of The Great Qing Code”, Studies In Law(CASS Journal of Law), No.4,1986, p67.