





Renmin University of China, Ph.D., 2008

Peking University, LL.M., 2003

Nanjing University, LL.B., 2000

Overseas Study Experience

Short term Visiting Scholar at Law Institute of Academia Sinica, Taiwan (2014)

Short term Visiting Scholar at University of Chicago Law School (2012)

Visiting Scholar at Harvard Law School (2007-2008)

Visiting Researcher at College of Law, Chengchi University, Taiwan (2006)

Research Area

Chinese Legal History and Modernization, Chinese Constitutional History, Comparative Constitutional Law


1) NIE Xin, The Transformation of the Chinese Modern Parliamentary Institutions: Focus on the Authority of the Parliament, Shanghai Renmin Press, 2015.

2) NIE Xin, Between China & the West, Law Press, 2015.

3) NIE Xin, The text book of Chinese Legal History, Peking University Press, 2014.

4) The Legal Globalization & Global Legalization, Tsinghua University Press, 2011 (Vice Chief Editor)

5) Study on the Modern Chinese Legal History, RENMIN University of China Press, 2009 (Deputy Chief Editor)

6) Cases of Chinese Legal History, Peking University Press, 2006 (Co-author)

7) The Theory & Cases of Chinese Legal History, Renmin University of China Press, 2006 (Co-author)


1) The Mixed Government in the Republic: The Comparison between the Founding Constitutions of China & US, Journal of Tsinghua University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2017-3.

2) The Adjudication of Pingzheng Yuan & the Judicial Practice of the Civil Servant Status Guarantee, Journal of the East China University of Political Science and Law, 2017-2.

3) The Bicameralism in the Modern Chinese Constitutional History,Global Law Review, 2016-6.

4) No Compromise in the Republic: The Failure of the Interim Constitution & Weimar Constitution, Law Science,2016-9.

5) Combination of Rigidness and Weakness: The Regulation of Social Welfare Rights of the Modern Constitutional History of China, Tribune of Political Science and Law, 2016-4.

6) The Constitutionalization of Property Rights & the Early Group Oriented Legislation in China, Social Science in China, 2016-6.

7) Study on the Civil Servant Disciplinary Council of modern China before 1949, Chinese Journal of Law, 2016-3.

8) The Examination Yuan: From the Examination Institute to the Personnel & Administrative Organ Peking University Law Journal, 2016-3.

9) The French Elements in Yuan Shikai’s Constitution, Tsinghua University Law Journal, 2016-3.

10) The Development of Constitutional System in Modern China, China Legal Science, 2015-6.

11) The Status and Powers of the Legislative Yuan under the Republican Government, Historical Research , 2014-6.

12) The Constitutional Commentaries on the Impeachment of Junji, Chinese Journal of Law,2013-6.

13) Cabinet System, Presidential System or Semi-presidental System,Law Science,2013-10.

14) Rethinking the Constituent Power in the Early Republic: From the Perspective of Comparative Constitutional Law, Journal of the East China University of Political Science and Law, 2013-5.

15) How to Realize the Housing Right in the Comparative Constitutional Perspective, Journal of Comparative Laws, 2013-4.

16) A Review of Advantages and Disadvantages of American Legal Education, Global Law Review, 2011-3.

17) Legal Education Reform in U.K. (Journal of the East China University of Political Science and Law, 2011-1.

18) Transformation of the Judicial System in Chinese Modern History: Idea and Reality, Peking University Law Journal, 2010-2.

19) Study on the Separation of Land Rights in Traditional China, Zhejiang Social Science, 2009-9

20) The Supervisory Yuan (Control Yuan) in the ROC: Between China & the West, Tsinghua University Law Journal, 2009-5.

21) The Constitutional Social Rights & Its Judicial Remedies: from the Perspective of Comparative Law, Science of Law,2009-4.

22) Dilemma of Parliamentary System in Early Republican China, Journal of the East China University of Political Science and Law, 2009-2.

23) From Sanfasi to the Judicial Yuan: The Continuity & Discontinuity of the Chinese Central Judicial Tradition, Tribune of Political Science and Law, 2009-1.

24) The Theory & Practice of the National Assembly, Journal of Comparative Laws, 2008-5.

25) The Foundation of the Constitution of ROC 1946 (Law Science Magazine, 2008-3.

26) The Judicial Yuan of the ROC: the New Paradigm of the Supreme Judicial Organ in Pre-1949 History, Social Science in China,2007-6.

27) The Evolution of the Constitution of ROC in Taiwan: Amendments & Judicial Review, Social Science in China, interior edition, 2007-2.

28) Legal Restriction on Basic Right: Focus on the History of Chinese Constitution, Peking University Law Journal, 2007-1.

29) The Predicament of Administration on Salt: Study on the Traditional Institutions & Theory, Science of Law, 2007-1.

30) The Will of Law & Human Feeling: The Last Development in Classical Chinese Jurisprudence by Shen Jiaben, China Scholarship, 2005-2.

31) Legal Modernization & Humanism: Beyond East and West, Study on the Legal Culture, Vol.1, RENMIN University of China Press, 2006.

32) The Modernization of Law: A Comparative Study of China and the West, Tsinghua Forum of Rule of Law, Vol.6,Tsinghua University Press, 2005.

33) The Modernization of Law in China: An Unrealized Dream for Century, The Journal of Jiangshu Administration Institute, 2004-2.