
Events & News

THU LAW and UNSW Jointly Held International Commercial and Economic Law Workshop


On Wednesday, 12 August 2020, the first Tsinghua-UNSW Joint Research Centre for International Commercial and Economic Law (JCICEL) workshop was successfully held online.

Scholars from Tsinghua Law School and UNSW Law School including Professor SHEN Weixing, Professor Heng Wang, Associate Professor Christine Forster, Associate Professor GAO Simin, Associate Professor Kun Fan, Dr. Weihuan Zhou, Associate Professor CUI Guobin, Associate Professor Charlie Weng, and Professor Deborah Healey shared their academic opinions.

Associate Professor Christine Forster, Associate Dean International and Acting Head of UNSW Law, extended to all the participants a sincere welcome, and expressed her thanks to all those who support the workshop and other academic events during the special period of Covid-19. She expected that Tsinghua and UNSW would continue to promote communication.

Professor SHEN Weixing, Dean of Tsinghua University School of Law as well as the Co-Director of Tsinghua-UNSW Joint Research Centre for International Commercial and Economic Law, gave an opening remark on behalf of Tsinghua University to express his sincere welcome to all attendees and gratitude to all colleagues who had made this event possible. He pointed out that the goal of the joint centre is to be a platform for international and interdisciplinary academic collaboration and communication. As the first official academic workshop of JCICEL, Technology, Business and International Economic Law is a quite meaningful theme. He looked forward to more communications in the future.

Associate Professor Kun fan of UNSW chaired the first session of the workshop. The discussion in this session was focused on Technology, Business and International Economic Law.

Associate Professor GAO Simin of Tsinghua University School of Law, delivered a keynote speech entitled “Hephaestus and Talos: Theory and Practice of Robot Advisor”. In this speech, she explores the possibility of utilizing benefits and shortcomings brought by intelligent finance from three perspectives: game between intelligent finance industry and law, challenges posed by robot advisor mode on traditional supervision and restructuring of supervision system under the mode of robot advisor.

Dr. Weihuan Zhou, from the Law School of the UNSW, delivered a keynote speech entitled “Technology Competition and International Trade Regulation”. Based on the Sino-US trade war, he analyzed industrial policies and subsidies in the context of technological advancement and economic development, and the efficacy of interaction of substance rules. Moreover, he strived to find out a prosper way to develop those rules and further realize international collaboration on this issue.

Professor Heng Wang, Co-Director of Tsinghua-UNSW Joint Research Centre for International Commercial and Economic Law, discussed with Associate Professor Simin Gao and Dr Weihuan Zhou about how to protect customers while promoting inclusive finance, and whether there is a better way to narrow the gap of subsidies between US and China through WTO, regional or bilateral efforts.

Topic of the second session is Competition Law and International Economic Law. Associate Professor Charlie Weng of UNSW chaired the session.

Professor Deborah Healey of UNSW Law School, gave a keynote speech entitled “Comments on proposed amendments to the Anti-Monopoly Law”. She made a detailed review of the proposed amendment from the perspective of policy amendments, amendments which updated or clarified the law and the miscellaneous or “sweeping up” amendments. She pointed out that the proposed amendments is charting a market-driven course going forward and is reinforcing controls on government by strengthening administrative monopoly provisions and introducing the FCRS into the AML.

Dr. Simon Lacey of UNSW CIBEL Centre as well as the Former Vice-President of Global Government Affairs of Huawei Technologies, presented a speech entitled “Competition Law Aspects of Excluding Huawei from Google Mobile Services”. He referred that the geopolitics intrudes is a new stage of Sino-US trade war, and described Huawei’s countermeasures in the technological war between Huawei and US government. Besides, Simon analyzed the relationship between China’s information security policy and the system fragmentation by comparing the application ecological environment in and outside China.

Associate Professor CUI Guobin of Tsinghua University School of Law discussed with Professor Deborah Healey’s and Dr. Simon Lacey about the establishment and implement of the fair competition review system. They talked about possible measures that can be taken to prevent unreasonable actions and pay more attention to the interests of the third parties and consumers.

At the end of this workshop, Professor Heng Wang gave the closing remarks on behalf of the JCICEL. He expressed his sincere thanks to all the speakers for their wonderful speeches and the support of all researchers and audience from Tsinghua and UNSW. He believed that this online workshop is a good start and expected for more discussion and cooperation in the future.